
Questions To Ask An Obstetrician Before You Hire Them

Questions To Ask An Obstetrician Before You Hire Them

If you’re considering or have decided on private obstetric care for the birth of your baby, the next steps are to choose an obstetrician and book into a hospital. Choosing a care provider is one of the most important decisions you’ll make during your pregnancy – and it’s also one of the first you’ll have to make. So how do we go about choosing an obstetrician that will suit us best?

This blog explores some questions that may prove useful to consider when choosing your obstetrician.

Preparing for a Big Project - Lessons for Birth

Preparing for a Big Project - Lessons for Birth

While I was working on a conference presentation I was struck by many parallels with preparing for birth. I explore these similarities and lessons in this blog. 

Questions to Ask a Doula

Questions to Ask a Doula

Deciding to have a doula is a big step - inviting someone into your birth, one of the most vulnerable and important moments of your lives requires careful consideration and plenty of research. Getting the right support is important, this blog provides some ideas and advice for selecting your doula. 

You Are The Expert In Your Pregnancy

You Are The Expert In Your Pregnancy

  I am currently undertaking a professional mentorship and one of my assignments is to blog about Women in the Maternity System. The aspect I’ve chosen to examine in this piece is how, at a time when women should be tuning into their instincts, they are often undermined by the system that should be supporting them. 

Common Discomforts in Early Pregnancy.… and How To Deal With Them

Common Discomforts in Early Pregnancy.… and How To Deal With Them

A Facebook group I am an admin for has ‘Lives’ on pregnancy and birth topics every Monday evening (click HERE for details of the group!). Last Monday, I hosted a chat with my fellow group admin, Amelia Parkinson from Wonder Birthing on the Discomforts of Early Pregnancy. It was a fun discussion and I summarise what we covered in this blog.i

Why Wouldn't You Hire A Doula?? Popular Reasons Examined....

Why Wouldn't You Hire A Doula?? Popular Reasons Examined....

I recently took part in an online business course and we were encouraged to think about why people don't use our services and how we could overcome these barriers or misconceptions (if that's what they were). I had actually never thought about this, at that point I had been only really speaking with or aiming at people who were already aware and open to idea of doula support. So it really did get me thinking - why wouldn't someone want a doula? Here are some reasons that came to mind: