sydney doula

Book Review - Birth After Caesarean By Hazel Keedle

Book Review - Birth After Caesarean By Hazel Keedle

I recently attended a workshop hosted by Hazel Keedle on Giving Birth After Caesarean, it was an impactful day full of research, information and stories that led to a better understanding of the unique journey that women who have had a caesarean birth face in their subsequent pregnancies. The workshop included a copy of Hazel’s wonderful book "Birth After Caesarean: Your Journey to a Better Birth" and this blog is my review of this work. 

2023 Social Media Content Dates For Doulas

2023 Social Media Content Dates For Doulas

This blog is one for my fellow doulas…

At the start of every year I sit down and think about direction and goals for my business. Part of this process is noting down significant days in the upcoming year that might be relevant for social media and blog posts. Having dates as a pillar for content creation is really useful - now, whether I remember to action some of these content posts is, of course, another matter! 

This year I’m sharing the list in the hope that it helps other doulas. The last few years have been challenging for many of us, so lets start 2023 with some positive vibes ;) 

Oh, and if you know of a day that I might include then please let me know, I’ll happily edit the list to keep it as comprehensive as possible.

What To Pack In Your Caesarean Hospital Bag

What To Pack In Your Caesarean Hospital Bag

Some of my clients plan a caesarean birth. As a doula and hypnobirthing for caesarean educator, my clients ask me all the time what they should be packing and taking to hospital, sometimes I even go through their bags with them. So I’m writing this blog in an attempt to keep all the information in one place, and give you a resource that you can revisit if you need to.

Birthing In a Pandemic - Communicating With Care Providers

Birthing In a Pandemic - Communicating With Care Providers

Giving birth and becoming a new parent during a pandemic has unique challenges. This blog is the second in a series that covers preparation for birth and parenting at this time - because with restrictions in place for many of our health services, the way you prepare matters more than ever.

This blog is part of a series focusing on how you can empower yourself ahead of your birth. There are currently restrictions on additional birth support in Sydney hospitals and you can expect staff to be working harder than usual with resources being stretched. You will need to be proactive in approaching your birth with knowledge and confidence, this blog series contains suggestions on how to do that. This part is focusing on Communication.

Birthing In A Pandemic - Preparing for Birth

Birthing In A Pandemic - Preparing for Birth

This blog is part of a series focusing on how you can empower yourself ahead of your birth. There are currently restrictions on additional birth support, such as a doula, in Sydney hospitals and you can expect staff to be working harder than usual with resources being stretched. You will need to be proactive in approaching your birth with knowledge and confidence, this blog series contains suggestions on how to do that.

Using a Tens Machine for Labour

Using a Tens Machine for Labour

I love the TENS machine as a comfort measure for birth. I’ve used one for all 4 of my births and have seen many women use them successfully in labour. Most women love them but they don’t suit everyone - and unfortunately no one knows how they’ll feel when they’re in labour. So I recommend giving them a go, having the maximum number of tools at your disposal is a great thing.

This blog explores how and why you might want to use a TENS machine as part of your birth.

9 Tips For a Positive Induction

9 Tips For a Positive Induction

The rate of induction in Australia (and many other countries) is increasing. I won’t address the reasons for this increase here but instead aim to provide tips to those who choose to go ahead with one so that they can have the best experience possible.

Having an induction may mean having a very different labour to the one you’ve been preparing for but you can still have a positive birth. Here are my 9 tips for a positive induction.

Best Ever Lactation Snack Recipes

Best Ever Lactation Snack Recipes

To be clear, no ‘special foods’ will dramatically improve your milk supply, if you’re having supply issues then focus on baby’s latch, your hydration and your nutrition overall - but good quality, wholefood snacks will support your system in many ways.

As part of my support I make my birth and postpartum clients snacks to support their recovery and breastfeeding - they are so yummy that I am regularly asked for the recipes so I thought I’d publish them here in one place!