
Birthing In a Pandemic - Communicating With Care Providers

Birthing In a Pandemic - Communicating With Care Providers

Giving birth and becoming a new parent during a pandemic has unique challenges. This blog is the second in a series that covers preparation for birth and parenting at this time - because with restrictions in place for many of our health services, the way you prepare matters more than ever.

This blog is part of a series focusing on how you can empower yourself ahead of your birth. There are currently restrictions on additional birth support in Sydney hospitals and you can expect staff to be working harder than usual with resources being stretched. You will need to be proactive in approaching your birth with knowledge and confidence, this blog series contains suggestions on how to do that. This part is focusing on Communication.

Preparing for a Big Project - Lessons for Birth

Preparing for a Big Project - Lessons for Birth

While I was working on a conference presentation I was struck by many parallels with preparing for birth. I explore these similarities and lessons in this blog. 

When Should I Hire A Doula?

When Should I Hire A Doula?

I am often contacted by women who are wondering if it’s the right time to call. Is it too early? Too late? When do people normally book a doula? Am I doing the right thing? In this blog I’ll examine the most important aspect of working with a doula - and when the best time is to book one……

You Are The Expert In Your Pregnancy

You Are The Expert In Your Pregnancy

  I am currently undertaking a professional mentorship and one of my assignments is to blog about Women in the Maternity System. The aspect I’ve chosen to examine in this piece is how, at a time when women should be tuning into their instincts, they are often undermined by the system that should be supporting them.