north shore

Best Ever Lactation Snack Recipes

Best Ever Lactation Snack Recipes

To be clear, no ‘special foods’ will dramatically improve your milk supply, if you’re having supply issues then focus on baby’s latch, your hydration and your nutrition overall - but good quality, wholefood snacks will support your system in many ways.

As part of my support I make my birth and postpartum clients snacks to support their recovery and breastfeeding - they are so yummy that I am regularly asked for the recipes so I thought I’d publish them here in one place!

Questions To Ask An Obstetrician Before You Hire Them

Questions To Ask An Obstetrician Before You Hire Them

If you’re considering or have decided on private obstetric care for the birth of your baby, the next steps are to choose an obstetrician and book into a hospital. Choosing a care provider is one of the most important decisions you’ll make during your pregnancy – and it’s also one of the first you’ll have to make. So how do we go about choosing an obstetrician that will suit us best?

This blog explores some questions that may prove useful to consider when choosing your obstetrician.

Nutrition Basics for Pregnancy

Nutrition Basics for Pregnancy

The saying “eating for two” implies that increasing our serving sizes is all it takes to support a pregnancy. In reality, building a new life requires an incredible amount of nutrients! This doesn’t just include energy, it includes physical “building blocks”.

By adjusting diet and supporting your body in the absorption of the nutrients you’re eating, you can assist yourself and your baby, no matter what stage you’re both at. There is so much that can be done with Nutritional Support and this blog explores practical steps you can take.

Preparing for a Big Project - Lessons for Birth

Preparing for a Big Project - Lessons for Birth

While I was working on a conference presentation I was struck by many parallels with preparing for birth. I explore these similarities and lessons in this blog. 

Book Review: The Positive Breastfeeding Book

Book Review: The Positive Breastfeeding Book

This book has been recently published and is a fast favourite in my Doula Library. I highly recommend it and lend it to clients who are looking for some reading around breastfeeding and general information on postnatal support. This blog is a more expanded review of why I like it so much!

Questions to Ask a Doula

Questions to Ask a Doula

Deciding to have a doula is a big step - inviting someone into your birth, one of the most vulnerable and important moments of your lives requires careful consideration and plenty of research. Getting the right support is important, this blog provides some ideas and advice for selecting your doula. 

When Should I Hire A Doula?

When Should I Hire A Doula?

I am often contacted by women who are wondering if it’s the right time to call. Is it too early? Too late? When do people normally book a doula? Am I doing the right thing? In this blog I’ll examine the most important aspect of working with a doula - and when the best time is to book one……

You Are The Expert In Your Pregnancy

You Are The Expert In Your Pregnancy

  I am currently undertaking a professional mentorship and one of my assignments is to blog about Women in the Maternity System. The aspect I’ve chosen to examine in this piece is how, at a time when women should be tuning into their instincts, they are often undermined by the system that should be supporting them. 

Why Wouldn't You Hire A Doula?? Popular Reasons Examined....

Why Wouldn't You Hire A Doula?? Popular Reasons Examined....

I recently took part in an online business course and we were encouraged to think about why people don't use our services and how we could overcome these barriers or misconceptions (if that's what they were). I had actually never thought about this, at that point I had been only really speaking with or aiming at people who were already aware and open to idea of doula support. So it really did get me thinking - why wouldn't someone want a doula? Here are some reasons that came to mind: